Still at school?

You don't know yet what to study? You are wondering what engineers do in general?

Just ask us...

Our staff members at the Chair of Medical Engineering will be pleased to answer all your questions concerning studying engineering sciences or working in medical engineering.

Just e-mail us:
to fix a date for an appointment...

Further information at the RWTH Aachen University

Career Day

Once a year the RWTH Aachen University invites all pupils who are interested to visit the Career Day, an event which is supposed to give potential future students the opportunity to find out more about studying at the RWTH Aachen University.

The main concern is to inform you about the courses offered at the RWTH Aachen University. You will find representatives of the different faculties, members of the teaching staff as well as students, who will provide you with detailed information about academic courses and may give you some further advice and hints.

Next to this very individual advisory service you may also visit one of the selected lectures, which allows you to attend a 'live' academic lecture.

It might also be helpful to take a look at the presentation of the courses you are interested in, in which lecturers, study advisors and students present the course from their point of view.

You might take a look at our last report with some pictures.

For further information see here (German).

Advising Days

Three informative Days regarding the courses of studies at RWTH Aachen

In January the Student Advice Centre organizes three advising days, where annually round about 6.000 high-school graduate take part to get information and advice.

Beside informative presentations regarding the different fields of study there is the possibility to take part in guided tours to several institutes. In the context of this event you have the possibility to explore the Chair of Medical Engineering. The participant can gain an insight into fascinating research and experience the influence of good and bad usability live on several demonstrators.

More information on the advising days here (German).

Online Workshops for Study Guidance

Dein Weg zu einer guten Studienentscheidung (German)