Conferrals of doctorate at the Chair of Medical Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Manuel Vossel

Date of the doctoral examination:
August 22nd, 2024

Title of the thesis:
A Cooperative Dual Robot System for Surgery

Dr.-Ing. Anne Benninghaus

Date of the doctoral examination:
June 3rd, 2024

Title of the thesis:
Untersuchung der kraniospinalen Liquordynamik zur Therapie des Normaldruckhydrocephalus

Dr.-Ing. Sonja Ehreiser

Dr. rer nat. Benjamin Hohlmann

Date of the doctoral examination:
February 19th, 2024

Title of the thesis:
Ultrasound-Based 3D Reconstruction of the Knee Joint

Dr.-Ing. Annegret Niesche

Date of the doctoral examination:
February 1st, 2024

Title of the thesis:
Handgehaltener Miniaturroboter für die Orthopädische Chirurgie

Dr.-Ing. Lukas Theisgen

Date of the doctoral examination:
January 15th, 2024

Title of the thesis:
Process Model for the Systematic Design of Modular Surgical Robots

Dr.-Ing. Maximilian C. M. Fischer

Date of the doctoral examination:
April 29th, 2022

Title of the thesis:
Morpho-functional Modelling for Preoperative Planning in Total Hip Arthroplasty

Dr.-Ing. Jasmin Dell'Anna-Pudlik

Dr.-Ing. Kristin Dietz-Laursonn

Date of the doctoral examination:
August 25th, 2021

Title of the thesis:
Evaluierung und Optimierung der Fragmentationseffektivität eines piezoelektrischen Stoßwellenlithotripters

Dr.-Ing. Mark Verjans

Date of the doctoral examination:
May 20th, 2021

Title of the thesis:
Entwicklung einer kooperativen Patiententransporthilfe für den Rettungsdienst

Dr.-Ing. Philipp Schleer

Date of the doctoral examination:
May 18th, 2021

Title of the thesis:
Model-Based Versatile Configuration of Cooperative Robotic Systems for Surgery

Dr.-Ing. Fabrice Chuembou Pekam

Date of the doctoral examination:
August 21st, 2020

Title of the thesis:
Digitale Zahnabformung mittels hochfrequenten Ultraschalls

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Habor

Dr.-Ing. Juliana Habor

Date of the doctoral examination:
January 31th, 2020

Title of the thesis:
The Patient-specific Combined Target Zone for Total Hip Arthroplasty Planning

Dr.-Ing. Christine Goffin

Dr.-Ing. Malte Asseln

Date of the doctoral examination:
September 24th, 2019

Title of the thesis:
Morphological and Functional Analysis of the Knee Joint for Implant Design Optimization

Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Vollborn

Date of the doctoral examination:
February 21th, 2017

Title of the thesis:
Intraoraler Ultraschallmikroscanner für die digitale Abdrucknahme von Zahnpräparationen

Dr.-Ing. Ghaith Al Hares

Date of the doctoral examination:
Februar 8th, 2017

Title of the thesis:
MRI as a Basis for Patient Specific Morphological and Functional Planning for Computer Assisted Knee Surgery

Dr.-Ing. Sabine Jeromin

Dr.-Ing. Armin Janß

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Korff

Date of the doctoral examination:
January 29th, 2014

Title of the thesis:
Synergistische Führung eines mechatronischen Osteotomieinstruments auf Basis multimodaler Informationen

Dr.-Ing. Victor C. Vargas da Silveira Cunha Cruz

Dr.-Ing. Robert Elfring

Dr.-Ing. Axel Follmann

Date of the doctoral examination:
March 20th, 2012

Title of the thesis:
Ein mechatronisches System zur semiaktiven Schädeltrepanation

Dr.-Ing. Bastian Ibach

Dr.-Ing. Pierre Bast

Date of the doctoral examination:
July 23rd, 2009

Title of the thesis:
Sicherheitsstrategie für ein Parallelrobotersystem beim Einsatz in der cranialen Neurochirurgie

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Heger

Dr.-Ing. Matí­as de la Fuente

Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Lauer

Date of the doctoral examination:
January 28th, 2008

Title of the thesis:
Entwicklung einer semirobotischen Telemanipulationsplattform für ein elektronisches Operationsmikroskop

Dr.-Ing. Aleksandra Popovic

Date of the doctoral examination:
December 19th, 2007

Title of the thesis:
Knowledge-based segmentation of calvarial tumors with automatic parameter screening