In the following links, you find out more information about the available positions in our group.
In the following links, you find out more information about the available positions in our group.
We are pleased about your interest in a student employment. You can apply directly in response to a job advertisement, but you are also welcome to send an unsolicited application to the person responsible for a project.
In addition to the usual application documents (CV, overview of grades, certificate(s)), add the completed InformationRequestForm which you can download here: InformationRequestForm
Applications are accepted by surface mail, in person or, if you have a RWTH email address, also by email. In case of an application by email, please send it to the address given in the pdf-document of the announcement (please attach pdf-documents only!). In case of an unsolicited application, please contact specifically the responsible person of a project or centrally the secretariat.
Current Offers:
none available
Open Position via RWTH Job Openings
Job Openings at RWTH job database
Unsolicited Application
We are pleased that you are interested in working with us as a research assistant. You are welcome to apply unsolicited. Due to the high number of daily mails and the amount of unspecific applications, we only accept applications via surface mail.
Please provide the following information in your application:
and add usual documents and certificates (school certificate, certificate of study, employment reference, overview of grades, etc.).
Application for a PhD Student Position (in Germany this is equivalent to a research assistant position) at the Chair of Medical Engineering (mediTEC)
Due to the high number of daily mails and the amount of unspecific applications, we only accept applications via surface mail.
Full applications including all relevant documents (certificates , transcripts, letters of recommendation, motivation letter, CV,...) should be sent.
You will find further information here.
Information from the RWTH University
General information on doctoral studies and scholarships through DAAD
International students are welcome to apply for a student internship for minimum period of 6 months at our institute.
Due to the high number of daily mails and the amount of unspecific applications, we only accept applications via surface mail.
Full applications including all relevant documents (certificates , transcripts, letters of recommendation, motivation letter, CV,...) should be sent.
UROP International