E-Learning and Surgical Training Simulators


The project "E-Learning Initiative in Mechanical Engineering" (coordinated by the Chair of Medical Engineering) was supposed to bring together experiences and resources regarding the application of E-Learning in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FB4) at RWTH Aachen University as well as to coordinate the E-Learning-Activities within the faculty in cooperation with the CiL (Center for Integrative Teaching/Study Concepts).

Furthermore, by way of example of the lectures 'Medical Engineering I / II', existing possibilities of teaching and learning were to be extendend and improved through the use of 'Blended Learning', a combination of E-Learning and in-class lecture.

General objectives

  • Bundling and coordination
    Networking of experience and resources regarding the use of E-Learning as a complement to conventional offerings ( 'Blended Learning')
  • Improving the quality of teaching and learning
    Providing basic and supportive material for repetition and in-depth-studying of the contents of the lecture/exercise
  • Individualized promotion
    Offering further material to interested students in terms of supporting high-ability students
  • Flexible learning
    Reducing problems of spatial planning and temporal coordination through decentralized and user-controlled learning
  • Planning and evaluation of additional course offerings
    Academic cooperation at the realization of pilot projects

Partner of RWTH Aachen University

  • CiL - Centre for Integrative Teaching/Study Concepts
  • FSMB - Students Council Mechanical Engineering of RWTH Aachen
  • Institute for Engineering Design
  • Institute of General Mechanics
  • Department of Mechanism Theory and Dynamics of Machines
  • Institute for Automatic Control


(Project term: 2007-2010)
The project was funded by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the RWTH Aachen University using tuition fees.


  • Wu, T., Zimolong, A., Schiffers, N., Ohnsorge, J.A.K., Radermacher, K.: Entwicklung von Autorenwerkzeuge für web-basierte multimediale orthopädische Ausbildungsmodule. Biomedizinische Technik, Band 47, Ergänzungsband 1, Teil 1, 2002, pp. 350-353
  • deSiebenthal, J., P.-A. Grützner, A. Zimolong, U. Rohrer, F. Langlotz: Assessment of Video tracking usability for training simulators, Journal of Computer Aided Surgery, 2004; 9(3): 59-69
  • T. Wu, A. Zimolong, N. Schiffers & K. Radermacher: A software framework for the development of Web-based medical education using learning object classes. Med Inform Internet Med, 2006, 31(1), pp. 9-22
  • J. Mönch, W. Lauer & B. Preim: Leitlinien für die Konzeption chirurgischer Ausbildungs- und Trainingssysteme. Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien (i-com), 2011, 9(3), pp. 33-40


Interested in taking part in the project?

We are always looking forward to welcome further motivated contributors!
Chairs, lecturers and students within FB4 of the RWTH Aachen University, who would like to participate in the E-Learning project, please contact: