Dental implants are well-established in modern dentistry. However, without appropriate therapeutic intervention, progressive peri-implant bone loss may lead to failing implants. Conventionally, the particularly relevant vestibular jawbone thickness is monitored using radiographic 3D imaging methods. Ionizing radiation as well as imaging artifacts by metallic implants and superstructures are major drawbacks of those imaging modalities.
Diagnostic ultrasound, as a patient friendly and cost effective technology may be used to overcome this problem. Because bone is an inhomogeneous and highly attenuating medium surrounded by soft tissue, the interaction between ultrasound and bone is complex. Therefore, within this project, new model based signal processing strategies and scanning concepts have to be developed in order to accurately measure the vestibular jawbone thickness.
The aim of the START-Project ImPlanUS is to proof the feasibility of an ultrasound based approach to measure the vestibular jawbone thickness without ionizing radiation.
Department of Prosthodontics, Implantology and Biomaterials, University Hospital Aachen
This research project is supported by the START-Program of the Faculty of Medicine, RWTH Aachen University.
(Project term: 01/20212 – 12/2013)