Project Works (Bachelor)
If you are generally interested in a project work in the field of medical engineering, please proceed as follows:
Applications are accepted by surface mail, in person, or if you have a RWTH e-mail address, also by e-mail. Please bring the completed InformationRequestForm (with indication of the planned period) or send it to Dr.-Ing. Matías de la Fuente, Academic Director.
In case of an application to a specific offer, please send it to the e-mail address given in the pdf document of the offer (please attach pdf documents only!).
You are also welcome to apply to us as a "sworn team," i.e. as a group accordingly....
We will put together potential projects and project teams based on the incoming expressions of interest and profiles and contact you to propose and discuss topic and team without obligation.
You decide on this basis for a project and team. From then on the registration is binding (because the rest of the team relies on you).
And then hopefully you will soon say... "Welcome to the team!".