Research Papers and Theses

Here you can see a selection of actual publicized project offers, if you are in the RWTH network area. For further subjects please have a look into our showcase in the Helmholtz-Institute or ask the mediTEC staff members.

Applications are accepted via surface mail, in person or, if you have a RWTH email address, also by email. In case of an application by email, please send it to the address given in the pdf document of the announcement (please attach pdf documents only!).

Next to the usual application documents (CV, overview of grades, certificate(s)), add the completed InformationRequestForm which you can download here: InformationRequestForm

Current Offers

Please note: The PDF document with the detailed description of the offered work is only available from the network area of RWTH Aachen University. Otherwise, please contact the contact person of the offer directly.

Title of the thesis
Contact person
Type of thesis
Untersuchung eines Critical Incident Reporting Systems (CIRS) für die Sterilisation von Medizinprodukten Jan Heibeyn, M.Sc.
Project work
Bachelor thesis
Automatisierung und Evaluierung eines Workflows zur patientenspezifischen Analyse des Kniegelenks für die hohe tibiale Umstellungsosteotomie Theresa Kandels, M.Sc.
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis
Optimierung der Positionsmessgenauigkeit für ein robotisches Ultraschallsystem Lovis Phlippen, M.Sc.
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis
Entwicklung & Evaluation virtualisierter klinischer Assistenzfunktionen im Kontext der Endoskopie/Laparoskopie Phlipp Schollmaier, M.Sc.
Project work
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis
Konzeption & Entwicklung von akustischen Aufnahmesystemen für den Einsatz von Sprachsteuerung im Operationssaal Phlipp Schollmaier, M.Sc.
Project work
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis
Development of methods for assessing surgical workload Sergey Drobinsky, M.Sc.
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis
Development of haptic assistance systems for robotic tele-surgery Sergey Drobinsky, M.Sc.
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis
Konstruktion eines kompakten mechatronischen Messinstruments Sergey Drobinsky, M.Sc.
Bachelor thesis
Automatic bone segmentation of CT data of the hip after endoprosthesis implantation Luisa Berger, M.Sc.
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis
Entwicklung einer patienten-spezifischen Zielbereichsdefinition für die Hüftgelenksimplantation Luisa Berger, M.Sc.
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis
Deep Learning for Ultrasound-assisted Surgery Peter Brößner, M.Sc.
Student research project
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis
Entwicklung und Evaluierung einheitlicher Nutzerinterfaces für Medizinproduktetypen auf Basis gerätetypischer Spezifikationen Okan Yilmaz, M.Sc.
Bachelor thesis
Master thesis